Unlock the full potential of your workspaces​

Insights &

With our workplace insights and planning solutions, you can leverage a wide range of tools to create a data-driven approach for enhancing your workspaces.

An office where the utilization of desks and rooms is analyzed and optimized with the data and insights feature in Goget's workspace platform.
Make smarter choices with data on your side

The Insights You Need

How do you know if workspaces and meeting rooms are used to their best capability, or if you’re wasting valuable space?

Boost your workspace planning with our data driven decision support. Make informed decisions based on real data and allow your office spaces to reach their full potential while ensuring that employees have access to the right spaces when they need it.

A laptop showing a data and insights feature, where the user can see statistics of room and desk utilization.
A pie chart of the utilization, booking behavior and overview of the utilization of rooms and desks.

Key Features

The hierarchical workspace structures where admins can get a complete overview of their organizations utilization of rooms and desks.

Data for any Location

Get a complete view of your organization's workspace usage with the ability to explore data for any location and analyze reservation patterns.

Utilization statistics of rooms and desk visualized in pie charts and bar charts to enable data driven decision support.

Advanced Occupancy

Get detailed information on the utilization of rooms & desks and improve your workspace planning with our data-driven decision support.

A visualization of the percentage of no-shows for booked meetings and the meeting time recuperated with the required check in feature.

No-shows & recaptured time

Measure the impact of features which reduce no-shows and recuperate released booking hours.

Shows how admins can export utilization data from Goget's workspace platform in a user friendly way to enable a deeper analysis.

Exportable Data

Dive deeper into data by exporting to a user-friendly file format. Design custom graphs and tables to suit your specific reporting needs.

The right tools for a data driven strategy

Workspace Insights

Let your office space strategy be grounded in accurate data. Workplace insights offer powerful visualizations to thoroughly analyze the performance of spaces.

In complex hybrid workspaces, identifying relevant trends is key and why we’ve included unique features like reservation flowcharts to help capture them.

Get important Insights

Key data at a glance

Instantly see key utilization metrics of locations, rooms, and desks in your workplace.

Make sure employees can trust that there will always be a desk or room available when they need it, while maximizing the use of available spaces.

Check workspace utilization

Identify underutilized spaces

Discover opportunities for improving occupancy of workspaces and quickly identify underutilized spaces.

Make sure office space is rightsized to fit your organizations needs.

Measure flow & behaviour

Visualize meeting flow & behaviour

Get powerful visualizations of how reservations are distributed among your organization’s locations for data based decisions about where to allocate space for collaboration.

Measure the effectiveness of features designed to reduce no-shows and the amount of potentially lost time recuperated by new reservations.

Plan spaces

Stay ahead of demand

Spot booking trends and predict when additional bookable spaces are needed.

Quickly determine if spaces are often empty or underutilized.

Future Occupancy

Key Insights at a glance

Get an immediate snapshot of the future occupancy for rooms & desks.

Optimize the use of space, to ensure employees that a desk or room will always be available when needed.

Manage resources

Organize & keep track of resources

Simple yet powerful directory of all bookable resources. Adjust or reorganize as needed to ensure that resources are used optimally. Make it easy for employees to find the right resouce.

Optimize resource utilization

Workspace Planning

Struggling to manage & plan workspace resources? Our features for planning the optimal configuration of bookable spaces in the short and long term can help make decisions that anticipate actual demand.

Coming soon
The people attendance forecast feature in Goget's workspace management platform. This feature helps companies unlock the full potential of their workforce.
A look ahead

People insights

Unlock the full potential of your workforce with people attendance insights. Our powerful forecasting tool helps companies with workforce rebalancing by predicting attendance and providing detailed statistics on attendance status.
Insights & planning

Available on plans:


For companies who want control over their hybrid work


For enterprises who needs more capacity across multiple locations.
Ready to experience how GOGET can improve your workspaces?

Try it yourself!

Have a question?


  • What type of data can be exported?

    The data export file contains basic metrics on a per room/desks basis to enable a deeper understanding of how the resources are currently used and decision support for how the utilization could be improved.

  • How can I quickly identify underutilized spaces?

    We measure the utilization of spaces in multipe ways to help quickly identifies spaces with potential for improvements. Firstly we check the occupancy as a percentage of total available time and list according to the total room seating. In addition we also measure attendance in relation to room capacity.

    Using these metrics rooms that are either seldom booked or underutilized in terms of total participants for meetings are quickly identified.

  • Can I see Insights for specific locations?

    Yes, it's easy to filter so that only insights for a specific location (e.g. site/building/floor/zone) are shown. In addition to this the unique booking flow chart will show the flow of reservations throughout the organization's locations.

  • How can Workplace Insights help companies rightsize their office space?

    Workplace insights can help businesses optimize the utilization of their office space by providing real-time data on how the space is utilized. This includes the number of people using the space, the duration of their usage, and the most popular areas within the office. By analyzing this data, companies can make informed decisions on the necessary size and configuration of their office space to best support the needs of their employees. This can include adjustments such as reallocating underutilized areas or increasing the size of heavily utilized spaces.

  • What are the benefits of using Workplace Insights?

    Firstly, workplace insights help organizations identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies in the workplace, allowing them to make changes that can increase productivity. Secondly, Workplace insights help organizations better understand how their office space is utilized and identify ways to optimize the use of resources, such as desks and conference rooms. This data in turn gives you decision support for right sizing your office.

    Third, by using data to inform decisions about the design and layout of the workplace, organizations can create a more comfortable and enjoyable environment for employees, which can lead to increased satisfaction. Lastly, by identifying ways to optimize the use of resources, workplace insights help organizations reduce costs and increase efficiency.

  • What are Workplace Insights?

    Workplace Insights is a tool that collects and analyzes data on the usage of office space, including the booking and utilization of rooms and desks. This data is often presented in the form of statistics, flowcharts, and heat maps to help organizations understand and optimize their workspace.