How GOGET can help:


GOGET offers multiple workspace solutions, both physical and digital, all made to solve one single thing: Efficiency and clarity in the modern workplace. Let us help boost your workspace management to save the most valuable resource in the world — time.

A hybrid office where employees are using a workspace management platform to book desks and meeting rooms.

Julia Maya is using the Office Space

Emma Patric Vicky is using the Conference room

John is using the Small Conference

Meeting room display mounted outside a conference room

Room Booking

Room Display X is an essential room booking application for any organization looking to streamline its meeting spaces and improve its overall productivity.
Connecting people with desks and each other

Desk Management

Hybrid work isn’t possible without a powerful desk booking tool. Use Goget’s map-centric, smart desk management features to boost productivity and make the day at the office easier. Take control of your seating arrangements wherever you are, on the go or via desktop.

Check who's in, spotlight teammates & reserve your nearby desk.
Reserve desks via mobile & desktop

Discover workspace wayfinding like no other

Make it easy for coworkers and visitors to qucikly get an overview of available workspaces and finding their appointments with ease, as well as providing basic directions.

Overall a mandatory digital solution for the modern workplace.
An office lobby where a visitor is looking at a wayfinder display to get an overview of the of the available workspaces and find his appointment.
Boosting top line with data

Drive better decisions
with insights

Improve your workspace management with GOGET’s powerful data engine to gain a deeper understanding of how your meeting rooms are being used and make informed decisions about room usage. For example, Room Insights could help you identify underutilized meeting rooms, which could then be repurposed or made available for booking by other teams.

Two smartphones running a desk and room booking app, where the user can find colleagues and search for and book available desks.


Convenient, intutive and smart. Stay connected and productive when you are on the move.

GOGET Workspaces mobile app. For iOS and Android.

Integrates with your company calendar:
Download on the App Store
Get it on Google Play

Map Views.

Get a clear view of available rooms and desks from interactive map views, seamlessly integrated across all Goget products. Get live status updates, change locations as needed, and book a workspace in just a couple of taps. All this while enjoying the benefits of being connected to software you already use every day.

Two interactive maps of an office floor, where you can see which rooms and desks that are busy and which are available.

LED lights
Extra wide, extra clear

Logo & background

Signature Widget
Event scroller, status details and more

Capacity, equipment & reporting

Purpuse-built display hardware


A turnkey, plug and play room scheduler that includes GOGET’s hardware, purpose-built firmware and best-in-class room scheduling software Room Display X for unprecedented performance and minimal time for installation. Discover our GOGET One device with the specs typically required by businesses – and more. All at an unbeatable price.

Find out where and when work gets done