Number of rooms | Up to max 5 | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Room booking - essential | | | |
Microsoft 365 + Teams integrations | | | |
Google Workspace integrations | | | |
Central admin dashboard | | | |
Remote device management | | | |
Check-in with room release | | | |
Room equipment | | | |
5-step free-form location based structure (company-zone) | | | |
Support by tickets | | | |
Easy provisioning system | | | |
Seamless scalability | | | |
One billing cycle with proration | | | |
1-year plan | | | |
3-year plan available | | | |
Multiple billing cycles/plans available | | | |
Room booking - advanced | | | |
Desk management – advanced | | | |
Wayfinding available | | | |
Workspace analytics & insights – advanced | | | |
Interactive map views | | | |
QR booking | | | |
Error reporting & write-off | | | |
User bookings via app & web dashboard | | | |
Employee mobile app for iOS + Android available | | | |
User web dashboard | | | |
Add-ons available | | | |
Multi-tenant integrations | | | |
National Cloud Deployments (Microsoft) | | | |
Export analytics data | | | |
Priority support | | | |
Customer success manager | | | |